We’re pleased to announce support for Ubuntu 20.04 on the File Sanctuary Cloud!
Ubuntu 20.04 is the latest LTS (long term support) release of Ubuntu. An LTS release means that maintenance and security updates will be released for this version for the next five years.
We’re supporting Ubuntu 20.04 in 64-bit and for those of you that like to have a hosting control panel, you can opt to have Plesk pre-installed to help you manage your Cloud Server.
Ubuntu 20.04 contains these versions of popular software packages:
- Linux Kernel 5.4.0
- Apache HTTP Server 2.4.41
- Nginx 1.17
- Ruby 2.7
- PHP 7.4
- Python 2.7.17 and Python 3.8
- MySQL 8.0
- MariaDB 10.3
- PostgreSQL 12
- Tomcat 9
- Docker 19.0
- Snap 2.45
- Puppet 5.5
- OpenSSH 8.2p1
Visit our Cloud Servers page and get Ubuntu 20.04 for a new Cloud Server. If you would like to upgrade an existing Cloud Server to Ubuntu 20.04 just open a support ticket with us.